Dr. William Glasser 02

Now was the first day of the Certification Process. Here I was with 10 other people and an amazing instructor, Jeanette McDaniel. Jeanette was an expert in helping us all be at ease in this process. She was to become a mentor, friend and role model to me.

Dr. William Glasser 01

On Friday, August 23, 2013 Dr. William Glasser passed away with his wife Carleen, his children Alice and Martin and his grandchildren by his side. His entire life was about relationships and how we treat each other. Carleen has asked that we celebrate his life and I intend to do this through this blog.

Dr. Glasser 03

I did my 15 minute presentation exactly as I had planned it. I had a handout for everyone and on that handout were stickmen that looked something like the following. They were drawn free hand as opposed to the computer look This is not exactly as it was but it gives you an idea. I had created a presentation about how our Total Behavior, our feeling, physiology, thinking and acting is very important when it comes to teaching youth about sex. I explained the potential total behavior of the teens without good sex education and the potential behavior of teens…