Talk with Your Kids about Sex!

Talk with Your Kids about Sex!




Over the weekend I was saddened to hear about 36 new cases of gonorrhea found in my home province over the last month! In 1984 under the leadership of Brenda Robertson, the Reproductive Health Clinics that later became sexual health centers were opened to serve youth between 12 and 24 years of age.

In those days we started out by serving the parents and offering them help to talk with their youth about healthy sexuality. I worked in this role for over twenty years. Since my retirement in 2004 the center has disappeared. One wonders why? There are my factors to consider.

Every 10-20 years we have a new generation and there are some things that just do not change. One of those things is our biological urge to be involved sexually. Like it or not we are all sexual beings, yet each generation seems to want to bury their heads in the sand and with each generation comes more and more access to sexual information.


My generation was the first to see Elvis wiggle his hips and someone thought it was prudent to only see him from the waste up. Today we have visual pornographic pictures everywhere! What are you doing to help your youth?

We cannot afford to let these diseases that are entirely preventable destroy lives. Beside leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, and infertility in men and women, these diseases will eventually kill. Over the generations we have become more and more resistant to antibiotics for these diseases as well.

Adults, dig your heads out of the sand and talk with your youth. Teachers are saying they do not have the training to deal with the subject. It is your responsibility as parents to educate your youth and have the difficult conversations.

In 2016 I updated a book for parents who want to talk with you about sexual relationships. It is a manual that explains how to have the conversations with teens and yes even adults who have experienced divorce find it useful. Choosing a Quality Loving Sexual Relationship is the title.

You can get a copy of my book here:

Maureen has been teaching this ideas for over 35 years. She is a Senior Faculty Member with William Glasser International, A Licensed Counselling Therapist and Certified Personal and Executive Coach.