This May not be for You!

This May not be for You!

The more I teach the Online Choice Theory program the more I am impressed with the quality of learning of the student. Let me say this online program is not for everyone.

It is not for you if you are not self-motivated. In other words if you need to be involved with other people while learning the in person training may be better for you. But I am impressed so far with the level of integration by those that choose self-directed learning.

The online training program is set up in such a way that you meet with an instructor for about an hour, max two hours depending on numbers of participants, every two weeks for six weeks. By the ways the times can be adjusted to suit the needs of the students. In between the calls there are modules for you to complete.

Each module has creatively prepared content to learn the ideas that Dr. Glasser shared with the world. Each module has short videos that teach a concept. They are 1-3 minutes long and very well done.

It has been my experience that the tools provided are useable right from the start. So many of our participants tell us that they have used the tools and ideas in their work and in their family life and are happy with the results. It requires a shift in thinking but it is the kind of shift where you learn that only you are responsible for your life.

If your are not ready for real change then ignore this information. But if in 2019 you want real growth in relationship education, then join me in mid February when we star the next online Choice Theory Program. Learn more about it here:

Yours in growing awareness


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Maureen has been teaching this ideas for over 35 years. She is a Senior Faculty Member with William Glasser International, A Licensed Counselling Therapist and Certified Personal and Executive Coach.