The main highway is washed out and the other roads are shameful. Over 400 people came out last week to highlight the seriousness of the problem and to speak their truth. It made the front page of our local paper. The people are concerned for the need for emergency services that may be needed in a hurry.
This is a community about 20 minutes from Moncton but I had a chance to experience their frustration on Saturday. As grandparents we were excited to go and see our grandchildren perform in a skating show at 11am. We were told to allow at least an hour to get there.
We started out the Pine Glen Road, which is a major route to get there. It is a road that we had often travelled on our motorcycle that was in pretty decent shape but not this time! I could not believe the ruts, pot- holes and washouts at the side of the road. Part way out the highway there was a construction site , where only one lane could go at a time. We sat there with about 25 other cars waiting our turn.
Eventually, we got to Dawson Settlement Road that would take us into Hillsborough. It too was full of bumps, potholes and ruts. It was a very bumpy ride and we were driving an SUV supposedly made to travel over terrain like this.
I had heard that a youth was hurt in a hockey game and that the paramedics were so busy trying to hang on in the back of the ambulance, they could hardly tend to him. He was not so seriously injured but I sure do understand now why people are so concerned.
My grandchildren were in a second show that evening. Ordinarily I would have been there a second time to see them but this particular night, Doug needed to be back for a gig he was volunteering for. I just felt too overwhelmed and nervous to drive on those secondary roads by myself so I did not go.
Sometimes people tell you what is happening. Sometimes we read about events in the paper but until you actually experience them, you really do not have the awareness of what is actually happening.
A greater awareness is always useful. I am now 100% behind the people beyond the washout who are fighting for a quicker fix to the highway. There is way more to the story but just gaining the awareness personally, hopefully I can add my influence to help this urgent situation.
Yours in growing awareness