This past weekend I was thinking about influence. We see a lot of articles about influencing others but I started to ponder some of the influencers in my life. I guess it started when I saw a video post from Tony Robins who spoke of giving his last cent to a young boy so he could take his mother to dinner.
He was so impressed with the boy who was about 8 he gave his last cents away not knowing where the next penny was coming from. The next day, he received a letter in the mail from someone who owed him a nice sum of money. He said it was at that moment that he overcame his beliefs around the “ scarcity mindset”
Sometimes we are moved to action, because we feel so inspired by someone or an event in our lives. I started to think about some of the great influencers in my life. Some influencers were good and some not so good.
There was the time I was told I could not go to “ dance lessons “ because I was too fat! There were the teachers who said if I would just pay attention I would be a lot smarter. I am sure I would have received the diagnosis of ADD or something in today’s system.
Then, there are those who really influence you in a way that add value to you. I was almost 40 years old when I realized, I was in fact smart and that my day- dreaming was me taking an idea and running with it in my mind and even developing new ideas and programs. I could have held on to the idea that because I was a dreamer, I was not going to be so smart or I could embrace the new information.
As far as dancing goes, I am still very much a dancer. I was never fat when I was told that but today even as a heavier person, I have the beat! I love dancing. It is all about the way we perceive information and what we do with that information.
So today, I am making big important decisions based on my dreams and dancing my way to success. How about you? Who influences you? What is holding you back if anything?